Monday, August 20, 2018

Seasons and Time —William Barnes

About the poet :
William Barnes (1801 — 1886) was an English poet, writer and philologist. Amongst his most noted books of poetry are Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect and Hwomely Rhymes. His poems are characterized by a singular sweetness and tenderness of feeling, deep insight into humble country life and character, and an exquisite feeling for local scenery.

A while in the dead of the winter,
The wind hurries keen through the sunshine,
But finds no more leaves that may linger
On tree-boughs to strew on the ground.
Long streaks of bright snow-drift, bank shaded,
Yet lie on the slopes, under hedges;
But still on the road out to Thorndon
Would not wet a shoe on the ground.
The days, through the cold seems to strengthen,
Outlengthen their span, and the evening
Seeks later its westing,
To cast its dim hue on the ground.
Till tree-heads shall thicken their shadow
With leaves of a glittering greenness,
And daisies shall fold up their blossoms
At evening, in due on the ground .
And then, in the plum-warding garden,
Or shadowy orchard, the house-man
Shall smile at his fruit, really blushing,
Where sun heat shoots through on the ground .
What season do you feel the fairest
The season of sowing or growing,
Or season of mowing and ripeness,
When hay may lie new on the ground?
And like you the glittering morning,
And short-shaded noon, or the coming
Of slant-lighted evening, or moon,
When footsteps are few on the ground?

Summery of the poem:-
Similar question:-(how does the poet William barnes describe nature in the poem the Seasons and times?​)

  written by William Barnes have a touch of the deep significance of nature.  Where in the poem "season and Times" in the same way different forms of nature are highlighted.  In this poem, the poet shows that when the leaves of a tree fall to the ground in the dead of winter, the light from the surrounding space escapes as fast as time through the sunlight, where the wind cannot survive in any tree, bush or slope because everything is empty for the winter.  In this situation, he waits, wearing without wet shoes  on the ground, for  to cross through the Thorndon road, to move westwards to become stronger, when the leaves of the trees will turn green, when the daisies will fold up their blossom, when the orchards will exaggerating fruit which people will be happy to see.
 In this case, the poet asks the readers which time do you like, when sowing the seeds, when the trees are growing or when the paddy is being harvested, when the straw is lying on the ground?  Or a small bright morning like yours, a small-shaded afternoon, or a half-eaten moonlit night, when there are few footprints on the ground.


Unknown said...

Want a summary and some necessary questions and answers related to the poem.




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Unknown said...

Please write down the summary

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Unknown said...

how does the poet William barnes describe nature in the poem the Seasons and times?​

Unknown said...

how does the poet William barnes describe nature in the poem the Seasons and times?

Unknown said...

How does the poet William Barnes describe nature in the poem seasons and time