Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Class xi vocabulary prc set

Do you want a servant?
Mr. Sivasanker subjected him to a scrutiny.
They left the town.
She looked at sidda and gave a cry of joy.
Sidda was given two meals a day.
His company made her supremely happy.
This has touched the moon.
I Don't see it.
He allowed her to peep through a little gap.
I will show you something nice.
Sidda knows the moon
She made him squat on the floor.
She rebuked her efforts to teach him.
Your mother is calling you in to dinner.
Leela's mother threw a glance at him.
She asked him about the chain.
She had left something on oven.
Give me some sugar.
You are always abusing and worrying Sidda.
Mother didn't answer the question.
He wouldn't be allowed to sleep inside the house.
The police knows his hunts.
I didn't consult him before employing him.
He has taken away your gold chain.
I have not taken it.
 Leave him alone, he hasn't taken the chain.
Take him to the station.
He won't say anything about the jawel.
Didn't l tell you that I saw her carrying it?
I will tell the inspector tomorrow.
Narration change........
Sidda asked,"sir, do you want a servant?"
"Where were you before?" He asked.
"What is his name?"
I don't know master. Sidda said. "He lives near the market."
"Why did they send you away?"
"They left the town, master." Sidda said, giving the stock reply.
She look at sidda and said, "He doesn't seem to me worse than the others we have had.
"Let us keep him in our house."
"Can't you tell the story of the elephant." Leeta asked.
"How did it get into the tamarind pot?" Mother asked.
"How many times have I told you to off and put it in the box?"
Her father said, " Baby, if you don't behave, I will be very angry with you."
"I will tell the inspector case,we couldn't have kept a criminal like him in the house!"
Transformation of sentences...........

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